To no one's surprise I've become obsessed with a French new wave duo called Elli et Jacno. From Wikipedia:
"Denis Quillard alias Jacno and Elli Medeiros decided to start a music duo after leaving the punk band The Stinky Toys. Jacno composed and performed the music and Elli sang and wrote the lyrics. They released three albums together before splitting up and beginning solo careers."
That's pretty much it. I haven't been able to find any of their albums, really. It's so unfair! I love Elli's vocals, the wimpy sound (I love wimpy drums and synth), and Jacno is total masturbation material.
Plus, it's French! I love Paris more than I love almost anything and constantly dream that I''ll one day live there and ride around on a moped. America gives me hives and is full of fatsos and birthers and stuff.
Look at this awesome video:
Or this one:
Basically, I just want my whole life to be like this scene from Les Nuits de la Pleine Lune, an 80's movie that Elli et Jacno did the soundtrack for:
I wanna be at that dance party! I WANT THAT TO BE MY LIFE!
Hey Josh--
Though neither of these are rightfully aligned with the unbelievable videos you put up above, Stereo Total and La Roux are definitely worth listening to.
Or you could just put on Heaven 17 forever, which is what Dorothy would do.
Posted by: Colin | August 21, 2009 at 05:18 PM
They are very good, I also loved since the first time I saw them.
Posted by: xlpharmacy | October 18, 2011 at 11:11 AM