Martha Plimpton is my soul sister.
I hate New Year's Eve. A lot. There's so much pressure to have an amazing night that changes you life or something. I don't even have plans yet. Part of me just want to go home and watch 200 Cigarettes, one of those mediocre movies that you love anyway just because they came at a particular time in your life.
200 Cigarettes, if you haven't seen it, revolves around bohemians in New York's East Village on New Year's Eve in 1981. It came out in 1999, long before the craze of 80's nostalgia, when I was a senior in high school and living in a small town in Washington State that I hated. Living in New York was a vague dream of mine and people made fun of me because I liked new wave music, which was old and totally passe. I hate "cool" taste too. I liked Built to Spill and Sleater-Kinney and all the bands I was supposed to like. But my first loves were new wave and classic punk.(All of those people regretted it in a couple of years when it became cool and I became a valuable resource in discovering cool new wave and punk bands.)
At any rate, I was waiting for a movie like 200 Cigarettes. The final result was a little disappointing, sure, but there's still a lot of good stuff. The cast is amazing. The costumes and soundtrack are to die for. Plus... 80's New York! That can't be beat, except maybe by 70's New York.
Also, it's always nice to see pre-surgery nightmare Courtney Love, who was another teenage obsession of mine.
God, how I miss Courtney Love. Oh, she filled me with hometown pride. Remember when she crashed that Madonna interview? You don't? Here it is:
Amazing. Let's revisit Hole, shall we?
P.S. I guess I'm just a nostalgic person. Now I'm missing the 90's.
I hate New Year's Eve, too. I've never done anything amazing. but my friend and I were talking about going to Las Vegas and just get drunk next year. Maybe.
I love Hole. I'll take the early Courtney Love over Madonna anyday. and to this day, Siouxsie can totally kick Madonna's ass.
Posted by: Deaf Indian Muslim Anarchist! | December 31, 2009 at 12:49 PM
OMG, I was just talking about 200 Cigarettes yesterday! Parts of that movie are really fantastic- especially all of Martha Plimpton, all of the Rudd/Love, and La Ricci and La Garafalo, of course. ...and then other parts are amusing, but merely adequate. Plimpton makes the film, though.
Posted by: Duncan Pflaster | December 31, 2009 at 02:03 PM
...and I was annoyed, upon seeing the film, that Ben Affleck's "No I'm Not Gay" line (capitalizing on speculation about his bromance with my imaginary boyfriend Matt Damon) was not in it. Trailers lie.
Posted by: Duncan Pflaster | December 31, 2009 at 02:05 PM
Yeah, although I can't admit that 200 Cigarettes is a good movie, it's a nice "comfort food" flick for me because it came out at the right time for me as well: I had just moved to the city in 1999 (and to the East Village), so I kind of have an eternal soft spot for it.
Posted by: James | January 05, 2010 at 05:54 PM