I can't believe it. Health care reform passed.
After a year of frustration, obstructionist Republicans, tea parties, seemingly ineffectual Democrats, and a growing cynicism that Americans would ever get the government they deserved, health care reform actually passed.
This blog is called Tarhearted as a sort of joke. It's blog that chronicles my battle between being an overly sensitive introvert and a tar hearted grumpy old man and recluse. This battle is constantly being waged within me, and that pendulum swings far and wide in both directions constantly. Each time somebody wears so-called "designer" sweat pants outside, I am tested. But as The Fiance and I watched the votes come in on CNN I actually surprised myself... I cried tears of joy.
I didn't get to do that when Barack Obama was elected, happy as I was, because of Proposition 8. I watched straight people celebrate in the streets, and I empathized with them from a distance, but my heart was broken. Once again my community had been swindled. But last night I finally got to celebrate.
I have amazing health insurance. I'm lucky. But I spent many, many years without it. I spent lots of time in free clinics and emergency rooms. I have a lot of family members and friends that don't have coverage, and so I celebrate for them. Not to mention the 40,000 plus people who die every year for lack of coverage.
Speaking of those people. If 40,000 people died in a terrorist attack or a natural disaster we would send aid to them in a split second. I don't know why the Democrats didn't position it this way until the end, but passing health care reform is the moral thing to do. Don't get me started on the supposed "Christians" who are against health care reform, as if there is some passage in the Bible that tells Christians, "Oh, those poor people there? They're fine. Just ignore them."
Don't get me started on those fucking tea partiers either, who yelled "nigger" and "faggot" at Congressmen as they walked into the house. This just shows their true colors. We should be grateful, really. I prefer my hateful bigots where I can see them, not pretending to be against taxes (or whatever these tea party folks tell themselves they're against.)
Don't get me started on fucking Newt Gingrich either, who called health care reform "the most radical social experiment . . . in modern times," adding, "They will have destroyed their party much as Lyndon Johnson shattered the Democratic Party for 40 years with the enactment of civil rights legislation in the 1960s." FUCK YOU, Gingrich! Civil rights ruined the Democratic party? Maybe for racist old "dixiecrats" who we don't want on our team anyway. And radical? Pssh. This ain't radical. Guess Gingrich has never heard of THE WHOLE REST OF THE CIVILIZED WORLD. He's going to plotz when we get single payer. (So god help me, we will have single payer.)
Which reminds me... we have got to get these so-called "Blue Dogs" out of our party and replace them with progressives. Stupak et al can eat a dick. Somebody draft a letter. "Dear Stupak & company. Please stop TOTALLY RUINING EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME."
See? Now I'm getting tar hearted again! Simmer down, man. Simmer down. Okay, I'm fine now. Today is really a great day for America. Is this bill watered down and kind of boring? Sure. But it's a start. And I'm so happy that I don't have to end this entry with, "Suck it, poor people!" Instead, say it with me:
Suck it, corporatists!
Could not have said it better.
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